Sunday, July 3, 2022

Style Inspiration: How To Wear A Dashiki

Have you heard of a dashiki but aren’t sure exactly what it is, where to find one or how to wear a dashiki? Don’t worry, we’ve got it covered for you. Whether you’re looking to find out more about this beautiful African clothing. Read on to find out everything you need to know about this beautiful African garment.

What Is A Dashiki?

The dashiki is a loose, colorful item of clothing that covers the top half of the body. It’s mostly worn in West Africa but in other parts of Africa is sometimes called a kitenge. A variation of the dashiki is worn in East Africa, Tanzania, Kenya and Somalia as well as in West Africa. 

How To Wear A Dashiki

The name ‘dashiki’ comes from Yoruba and is translated to mean ‘shirt’ or ‘inner garment’.  This means that its appearance can be a little varied, and can be anything from a tailored suit, a mini dress or a simple, draped item of clothing. There are formal and informal versions of the dashiki, depending on the situation or individual. 

They’ve been around since the 12th century, so they’re an important part of African history and daily life. As well as being worn in Africa, it’s also worn by communities in the African diaspora, particularly in the US, where it has a rich cultural heritage all of its own.

Where To Wear A Dashiki?

A dashiki can be worn in many different situations. It may be worn for day-to-day tasks, as any other garment would be or it could be made into a dress, suit or something else entirely. The informal dashiki is the one you’ll usually see worn in everyday life and usually comes with a traditional print or as an embroidered dashiki.

wearing a Dashiki

You’ll also sometimes see a dashiki worn in a formal setting, such as a wedding or a funeral. There are three types of formal dashiki: the dashiki suit (also known as the dashiki trouser set), the Senegalese kaftan (or the long dashiki suit depending on the length of the shirt) and a grand boubou or an agbada. You’ll also find a lace dashiki suit that’s often worn by women, which goes by the name of ‘Angelina’ in Ghana and the Congo.

Why Should You Wear A Dashiki?

Dashiki are versatile, colorful, comfortable and easy to wear. They can be worn in many different ways and situations. They also connect with a rich cultural heritage that links back to Africa, but also has its home in the US.

Because they can be tailored to any style, body shape or occasion they can be a flattering fit when you want to match heritage, style and comfort. You can get a plus size dashiki dress or women’s plus size dashiki if you want to add another layer of versatility to your dashiki look too.

Dashiki for all occassions

They can be made in different fabrics and colors too. Gray is the traditional color for some West African weddings, for example, whereas other couples choose white, non-traditional, purple or blue. Purple and lavender are the colors of African royalty so are often a popular choice. Black and red are the traditional colors of mourning, and are often worn at funerals.

Different Ways To Wear A Dashiki

When we say that anyone can wear a dashiki, we really mean that anyone can wear a dashiki. You can even get baby dashiki so that you can mix and match with your little one for a super-cute coordinated look. The whole family can wear dashiki however they want, whether they’re attending a formal event or heading somewhere more casual.

Let’s take a look at some of the different ways to wear a dashiki and the different styles for men, women and kids.

Dashiki For Her

Dashiki for women are probably the most versatile type. You can find dashiki in so many colors and styles - from purple dashiki that are reminiscent of African royalty right through to more unusual, non-traditional colors. You can even get short dashiki, t-shirt dress style dashiki or long dashiki style midi skirts, depending on the look you want.

Dashiki for women

They’re also extremely inclusive when it comes to sizing. A plus size dashiki dress or women’s plus size dashiki can be a beautiful, flattering and regal look that works for any occasion, but they really work with any body type and shape.

Dashiki For Him

There are lots of different styles of dashiki for men. Whether you want a long-sleeved dashiki, a dashiki t-shirt, formal dashiki wear or more casual styles to fit with your day to day life. The color and style all have different meanings so it’s important to brush up and make sure you’re on track when it comes to style.

Dashiki for men

You can get a tailored dashiki, longer-length dashiki that reaches your ankles or a dashiki suit set. Tailoring is a great choice if you want something that’s truly made for you or you find it harder to find clothing off the rack that fits well.

Baby Dashiki

A baby dashiki is cute, traditional, comfortable and versatile for babies and toddlers. You can get them in any color and a variety of styles to help your little one connect with their heritage, and look beautiful doing so. You can even find dashiki onesies that are perfect for younger babies and toddlers.

Dashiki for babies
Because dashiki allow for freedom of movement, they’re a great choice for little ones who don’t want to feel like they’re constricted in their clothing. Babies and toddlers never stop, so a dashiki can be really helpful to keep them comfy and happy.


How To Accessorize With African Print?

African print fabric is not only beautiful, it’s versatile too. As well as being made into traditional and casual clothing, African prints are perfect as an accessory too - they add color, cultural heritage and vibrancy to the plainest outfit. If you’re supporting a black-owned business when it comes to buying your African accessories? Even better.

Here’s some style inspiration on how you can add African print accessories to all of your outfits, whatever your personal style.

African Print Bags & Purses

Wherever you’re traveling, an African print bag is a must. You can carry all of your essentials easily, jazz up a comfy airport outfit and still manage to spot your luggage on the conveyor belt when you arrive at your destination. You can get bags of all shapes and sizes in African print, so whether you’re looking for a traditional twist on a purse for dinner and drinks or something that’s more heavy-duty for vacation, you’ll easily find your perfect match. Choose purple, blue or traditional prints for a truly African-inspired carry-on.

Large Duffle Bag

African Print Head Scarf

An African print head scarf or head wrap is the perfect way to add a touch of style and sophistication for an Afro-glam look on the go. Whether you’re wearing your hair natural, in a protective style or in extensions or a wig you can easily add a head scarf as a combination of practicality and fashion. A head scarf made from African fabric can be worn at home, for exercise, running errands or to protect your hair style at night. They look beautiful, whatever the occasion, and can even be worn wrapped around your bag or draped around your neck for a really versatile feel.

African Print Head Scarf

Face Mask

Face masks are definitely an accessory that no-one would have predicted being so prominent a couple of years ago, but here we are. Whilst it’s not necessarily a style choice (in as much as it’s totally mandatory in some places), there’s no reason why you can’t make this practical item into a fashion accessory by choosing an African print face mask to boost the look, feel and mood of your face mask. Bonus points if you manage to match your mask to your other accessories for a truly co-ordinated accessory style. Sometimes matching is the perfect style choice!

face mask


African-inspired necklaces, earrings and bracelets are the perfect finishing touch to absolutely any outfit. They add a touch of tradition, culture and heritage to any outfit and are a great choice when you want to throw in a little touch of African sophistication. When it comes to African-print jewelry, tighter fitting pieces like chokers, dangling earrings or tight fabric bracelets show off the fabric pattern and colours best.

African jewelry


Whether it’s with jeans, trousers, a skirt or a dress then an African fabric belt can be a beautiful, bold style choice. If you want to accentuate your waist or hips then this is the look for you - it’ll draw attention to those areas, even on the most colorful outfit. It can also be a great choice if you want to cinch your mid-section in a little. This works best with a thicker belt that shows off more African print and more of your shape. If you want a more versatile, less formal option, then tying an African print scarf through your belt loops can look a little softer than a tight belt. 

Shoes and Boots

If you really want to make a style statement, then African print shoes and boots is where it’s at. Seriously, if you need to get noticed, this is the way to do it. From light touches on sneaker logos and laces through to full printed shoes and boots, when you wear African prints on your feet, people are going to take notice. It might be time for a pedi if you’re going to be drawing attention with your shoes, especially if they’re open-toed. Who needed boring shoes anyway?

Shoes and Boots

Hair Scrunchie

Keep your hair tied out of the way whilst showing off your African style with a scrunchie or hair tie. Bonus points if it’s made from satin as this will be way gentler on your hair. A scrunchie is a great choice if you want to keep your African print subtle and understated, or you prefer to skip bandanas, head wraps or bonnets for something simpler.

Hair Scrunchie

Hand Fan

Want to feel boujee, high maintenance and stay cool? An African print hand fan (such as a Bolga fan) is a great way to combine all three of these. If you’re travelling, the weather’s hot or you’re heading to an event where there’s going to be a ton of people then a hand fan can help you to look and feel your best. By using an African print one, you’re proudly communicating your heritage too.

African woman hand fan


Sunday, January 30, 2022

How Has COVID-19 Changed Fashion & Shopping Habits?

The covid pandemic has definitely changed the way that we all live, work and shop. From a focus on more casual wear like sweatsuits through to shopping online, here’s how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our fashion habits.

Increase In Online Shopping

fashion habits changed due to Covid19

Online shopping has been increasing year upon year, as people demand more convenience and choice in what they buy and wear. Even before the pandemic, more traditional fashion manufacturers and retailers were finding a combination of supply chains, rising rental costs and the costs of staffing these retail stores.

During the pandemic, more traditional retailers needed to pivot to an online offering as they weren’t able to offer the in-store experience. Customers also spent more online as they couldn’t shop in-store but potentially had more time on their hands. For some people, online shopping became a focus.

Physical Stores Closing

Physical Stores Closing

Stores that couldn’t pivot to online shopping (or couldn’t do it quickly enough) found it difficult to compete. This has seen more stores closing across the entire retail industry - even large big-brand stores who have found that a drop in footfall has made the business unsustainable in the long term.

Smaller stores have had to absorb the cost of additional social distancing and hygiene measures for customers, along with staff shortages and time off, which has made their business difficult to maintain.

Limits to the number of people in a store at any given time - along with mask restrictions and limited shopping numbers - have also led to customers becoming frustrated with their retail experience, and taking their shopping online. This has been challenging to manage for stores of all sizes.

Focus on Independent Brands

Focus on Independent Brands

As a result of the pandemic, people are being asked to shop with independent retailers to support the economy, save jobs and focus on sustainability. Despite a challenging retail landscape, there are initiatives and support for small start ups in a bid to revive and rethink the way that we live, work and shop.

Against a backdrop of large retailers mistreating staff, paying low wages and risking the health of their teams to gain profit, many people are choosing to be more conscious in the way that they purchase items.

Casual Clothing

Casual Clothing

As bars, clubs and restaurants aren’t quite back to normal yet - and many people are still working from home or hybrid working - there’s more of a focus on casual chic. Loungewear, sweatpants and comfortable clothing boomed at the height of the pandemic, and this isn’t going anywhere just yet. Shoppers are throwing away the formality and looking for a simpler approach to their wardrobe, instead of worrying about full glam (at least not all of the time). 

As people get more back into travel, swimwear and summer clothing is starting to grow too. As the events industry starts to come back to life, it’s likely that the opposite end of the scale will grow too with flamboyant wedding outfits, beautiful ornate clubwear and rich, opulent fabrics.

Brands That Started In The Pandemic Might Have To Pivot

Brands That Started In The Pandemic Might Have To Pivot

As people explored their free time in the pandemic, new businesses began - especially in fashion and beauty. Some of these businesses may have found success in the midst of lockdown restrictions and social distancing orders but may be finding that as the world changes again, they need to change their business too.

Activewear brands, for example, thrived during lockdown but as people return to work and have less time, disposable income and need for gym or exercise clothing they might start to see sales falter. This may need a focus on attracting new customers, a different audience or upping their marketing messaging.

Problems With The Supply Chain

Problems With The Supply Chain

It’s no secret that the pandemic has caused a ton of issues with the supply chain for businesses in every industry. Many fashion brands - particularly those who manufacture overseas  - have seen difficulties in getting stock into their stores. Due to global restrictions, staff shortages and shipping delays, getting things from A to B has been much more difficult than in the past. 

This has been frustrating for brands and customers, who have had to be far more careful - but also far more fluid - with their expectations. 

What’s Next For Fashion?

Whilst the pandemic certainly isn’t over yet, there does seem to be an easing as vaccination programs, milder variants and less restrictions all move forward. It’s likely that fashion and shopping habits will still be disrupted, and that online shopping will continue to grow (and be the first - and only - point of call for many people).

It’s likely that after several years, consumers will start to feel less inclined to accept “the pandemic” as an excuse for delays, poor customer experience or a lack of information. There’s an expectation that businesses will have worked out what they need to by now - but the pandemic is still throwing unexpected situations in here and there. The situation isn’t over, but it’s getting there.


Sunday, January 9, 2022

How to Customize a Made to Measure Shirt

A made to measure shirt is the ultimate flex - tailoring is the key to looking sharp, well-dressed and ahead of the game when it comes to fashion. It’s usually a more expensive option than buying a standard shirt from a store but many see it as an investment.

There can be so many different choices when you’re customizing a made to measure shirt that it can feel overwhelming. We’ll take you through the essentials you need to know to customize a made to measure shirt.

Why Choose a Made to Measure Shirt

Why Choose a Made to Measure Shirt?

With a made to measure shirt you get a shirt that’s quite literally customized to fit your body. This looks more flattering and sharper than off-the-rack options. This helps to lift the rest of your outfit too, making it look more expensive and tailored.

A custom shirt is often made from higher quality materials, along with expert tailoring from an experienced professional. This could mean that you’re buying shirts less frequently as you’ve invested in better quality clothing that’s been created by one person.

With a made to measure shirt you’re totally in control of the design and creative process. If you know you prefer a certain style, detailing or cut - then it’s yours. You can make sure that your wardrobe reflects your personality and style as well as the fact that no-one will have the exact same shirt. It’s been made to measure for you.

How to Customize Made to Measure Shirt

How to Customize a Made to Measure Shirt?

If you aren’t sure exactly what you can customize on a made to measure shirt (or you just need some inspiration) then let’s take a look at exactly what you can select when you go for a tailored shirt.

Choose Your Fabric

You can choose whatever style, color, design or fabric you want to. Whether you want to keep it classic or go for a one-of-a-kind showstopper then the choice is completely yours. Your tailor should take you through the options available and also advise you on what your best choice should be.

Choose Your Fabric

Choose Your Shirt Style

If you’re thinking of getting a made to measure shirt then you’re probably already aware that there are a huge number of different shirt styles out there. You guessed it, with a customized shirt you can choose the cut or style of shirt that you want.

Whether that’s an Oxford Button Down, Dress Shirt, Cuban Collar Shirt or a Classic Short Sleeve Shirt - the choice is completely yours!

Choose Your Shirt Style

Choose Your Sleeve Style

You can choose the length or fit of your sleeves, depending where and when you want to wear your shirt. It’s also important to think about where you live and how casual you want it to be. As a rule, shorter sleeves are more casual but sometimes they’re a necessity if you live somewhere with a hot climate.

Choose Your Sleeve Style

Choose A Collar

You can choose from a lot of different styles of collar such as classic, button-down, cut-away, wing and mandarin. Different collar styles suit different face shapes so take some guidance on this if you need to.

If you’re not familiar with the different types of collar styles, then read on for more detail on the most common styles you might want to choose from.

Choose A Collar

Classic Collar

A Classic Collar is probably the style you’re most familiar with and tends to suit most face shapes and sizes. It’s particularly flattering for long faces.

Button-down Collar

The ‘button-down’ collar is the same as the ‘classic’ collar but stays in place due to the two buttons on the collar points that fasten to your shirt. This collar is suitable for casual occasions and can be worn with or without a sweater, necktie and jacket over the top.

Cut-away Collar

The ‘cut-away’ collar has a wider spread so there is more room for a necktie. The collar ends also point outwards instead of downwards like the ‘classic’ collars. The ‘wing’ collar is commonly worn with a bow tie for formal occasions including weddings and other black-tie events. The tips sit flat and stand out from the collar, which rest on top of a bow tie.

Wing Collar

A wing collar is the most formal collar style for a dress shirt. It’s started and has the tips pointing downwards in a wing shape. You may have seen this worn with a bow tie in a formal setting.

Wing Collar

Mandarin Collar

A ‘mandarin’ collar is also known as a ‘nehru’, ‘standing’, ‘band’ or ‘choker’ collar. It is a short, unfolded style that stands upwards. It is a versatile collar that can be worn both casually and formally.

Mandarin Collar

Choose Your Cuffs

You can choose an adjustable, angle or straight cuff on long-sleeve shirts too. As well as the cuff style, you can choose the number of buttons including single or double.

Choose Plackets and Pockets

You can choose the style of the fabric section where the buttons and buttonholes run. This includes choosing to have no placket, a front placket or a covered placket. Front placket is the most common and a covered placket is the most formal.

With pockets, you can choose curved, angled or straight pockets - most people tend to match their cuff and pocket style for consistency.


What is Sustainable Fashion?

You’ve probably heard the term ‘sustainable fashion’ a lot in recent years, along with discussions about fast fashion and how it isn’t great for the planet. But what does sustainable fashion actually mean?Sustainable Fashion What Does ‘Sustainable Fashion’ Mean?

Sustainable fashion essentially refers to garments and accessories that are created in an ecologically and socially responsible way. There are different ways that people try to shop more sustainably.

Some people choose to stop buying new clothes, focusing on buying thrifted or pre-loved items. Others look to support independent retailers, avoiding the mass-market fashion industry that pushes fast fashion and low-quality items. There’s also the supply chain, materials and the impact of producing the raw materials to take into account too.

We can certainly choose to shop in a more sustainable way, but getting involved with sustainable fashion does not require buying anything new.

Wearing what you have, shopping second hand, and swapping/borrowing from friends are other ways to engage in the sustainable fashion movement that doesn’t require the production or purchasing of anything new.

Sustainable Fashion Importance

Why is Sustainable Fashion Important?

Mass market fashion has been causing harm to the environment and society for a long time. Sweatshops exist around the world and the production of fabric has become industrialized in a way that’s harmful to the environment, pollution and people around the world.

The fast fashion model is built on an endless cycle of overproduction and overconsumption. Cheap prices from fast fashion brands are only made possible because these brands produce in huge quantities. While the companies don’t make much profit from each garment, they are able to profit hundreds of millions or even billions because they produce so much.

And, because fast fashion brands produce in such large quantities, they are able to negotiate prices down with factories. These negotiations suppress wages and keep safety standards low.

The rise of fast fashion has also sparked a “race to the bottom” for the industry as a whole, as brands try to produce garments as cheaply and quickly as possible in order to offer trendy pieces at low prices.

Not all communities and people are affected equally. The pollution, environmental impact and cost to people tends to happen in countries that have a poorer economy.

Sustainable Fashion Benefits

What Are the Benefits of Sustainable Fashion?

The fashion industry is known as one of the most polluting industries in the world. Making a conscious decision to shop with sustainable and ethical brands will make a difference to the planet and the people within it.

Here are some of the benefits of sustainable fashion:

Quality Reduces Waste

Sustainable brands focus on quality, using materials and finishes that are made to last as well as being kind to the environment. The clothing produced by fast fashion brands isn’t made to last – the aim is to get you to buy more, so why would the focus be on making quality long lasting clothing? In choosing sustainable brands that provide quality, you can reduce your waste as well as the amount of clothing that you buy (also saving you money).

You Should Do You

Fast fashion is all about trends, but we’ve been told what to wear for so long many of us have forgotten what our own unique style looks like. Many sustainable brands focus on creating timeless pieces of high quality. Curate your own personal style, say goodbye to money wasting fashion trends and wear clothes that reflect you.

It's Better for the Planet

The fast fashion industry leaves behind a huge environmental footprint. From the landfill impact, and power and water consumption, to the pesticides and insecticide used in growing cotton and the chemicals that are making their way into the water supply and affecting the health of those in the supply chain, it’s safe to say fast fashion is a real problem for the environment. In choosing sustainable fashion you can say no to supporting the negative environmental impact that the fashion industry is causing, and in-turn reduce your own environmental footprint.

It’s Better for People

Fast fashion has kept the cost of clothing down at the cost of low pay and conditions in developing countries. By switching to ethically made brands you are ensuring that the clothing you choose to spend your money on hasn’t taken advantage of workers or used child labor.

Sustainable Fashion Choices

How To Make More Sustainable Fashion Choices?

Choosing to make more sustainable fashion choices doesn’t have to be complicated (or expensive), here are some easy ways to be more sustainable:

  • Support independent brands rather than fast fashion brands who cause problems with pollution, waste and living conditions.
  • Look to reuse and recycle fashion items.
  • Choose organic cotton rather than commercially produced.
  • Choose brands that work with suppliers and manufacturers who pay their workers fairly.
  • Look for brands who give back and support their community.


Friday, December 31, 2021

5 Easy Ways to Tie a Head Wrap

How to tie head wraps?

Head wraps have been used for centuries as a fashion accessory and to protect the scalp and hair. In fact, this was why head wraps were first worn. Their use has a complicated past but have now been reclaimed and turned into a look that exudes pride and power.

How to tie head wraps

At Nkeoma, we offer head wraps, head scarves and bonnets so that you can make a style statement and protect your hair the way you want to. All of our scarves, wraps and bonnets are made from the finest quality materials in traditional, powerful African prints.

How to Choose the Right African Head Wrap?

First of all, the most important thing when you choose a head wrap is your personal taste. There are so many different colors, designs, patterns and styles that you might be spoilt for choice. That choice is completely yours and is down to what you prefer to wear.

Tying African head wrap

There are a couple of other things to consider too. First of all, think about the size you need and how you want to tie your wrap – a shorter wrap won’t be as versatile so try a wrap that’s 60-72 inches long. Wraps also come in lots of different materials, again this is a personal preference and depends on the style you’re looking for.

How To Tie Your Head Wrap?

Now that you’ve selected your head wrap, it’s time to learn about the different ways to tie it. When it comes to tying an African head wrap, it might seem complicated but there are some easy instructions that you can follow. This can stop you from wondering how to tie a hair wrap.

How to tie a hair wrap

The Front Knot Hair Wrap

If you’re not feeling your hair then the front knot is the style to keep it covered. Use your head wrap to cover your entire hair (leaving your bangs out is optional).

Place your scarf around the back of your head and hold each end at the side of your head. You want the ends to be balanced and have roughly the same amount of fabric on each side. Then wrap the scarf around your head and twist the two ends around each other at the front of your head.

Front Knot Hair Wrap

Keep twisting until you’ve created a knot at the front of your head. Secure it by tucking the ends into the wrap.

The Low Bow Hair Wrap

This style of head wrap is perfect if you’re wearing your hair straight (or working with a straight weave). It’s easy to do and looks great.
Put the head wrap on your head, covering it from your forehead to the top of your neck, and tie a knot. Make a big bow and try to make it as symmetrical as possible on both sides. You can change up how you have the bow depending what you want your wrap to look like.

The Low Bun Hair Wrap

The Low Bun is ideal if you want to cover your hair and keep it out of the way easily.

Tie your hair back in a low bun and work out where you want to wear your wrap. Then drape it over your wrap. Hold the ends firmly, pulling it into a ponytail. Twist the length of it. Hold the knot with one hand, while you wrap the longer pieces around your fingers. Continue wrapping and twisting until you reach the end of the knot.

The Nefertiti Head Wrap

If you’re wearing braids as a protective style, or just because you like the look, then adding an African head wrap is a great way to keep them in great condition. They’re also a perfect choice if you just want to change your look for the day. Braids come with a little commitment (hours in the chair means you probably want to keep them as long as possible.

The Nefertiti Head Wrap looks stunning, and far more complicated to do than you might think. Here are the simple steps to create this look:

  • Gather your braids into a bun at the center of your crown.
  • Tie the wrap around your head from the back and keep tying it around until you reach the ends of the fabric.
  • Secure the ends of the wrap in the first layer you created.

If you want to add a little more drama to the look, add another wrap on top of the one you’ve just added.

Easy head wraps

The Wrapped High Ponytail Head Wrap

A wrapped high ponytail head wrap is beautiful for locs or braids. This is a good style to begin with if you’re not used to wrapping your hair when it’s been braided.

All you need to do is tie your hair into a high ponytail, on the top of your crown. Then roll your scarf into a band and wrap it around your head from the back.
Cross the two ends on top of your head, twist them around your ponytail and tie them together.

Ready to Wrap?

If you’re ready to try out a head wrap or you want to look at some alternative accessories to showcase your African heritage, check out our accessories.


Wednesday, December 1, 2021

How To Sanitize African Fabric Masks?

If you’re still planning on wearing a mask to reduce your chance of contracting coronavirus (or passing it on to others) then it’s likely that you’ll be wearing a fabric or a disposable face mask.

How to Choose Between a Fabric or Disposable Mask?

Disposable face masks don’t need to be sanitized as they’re designed to be single-use. Whilst this is a hygienic option it’s not great for the environment (or your budget), so many people opt for a reusable fabric face mask. But how do you make sure they stay clean and ready to use hygienically?

You can find high quality African print clothing on our website

Disposable Mask

How to Sanitize Fabric Masks?

You should clean your fabric mask after every wearing. This reduces the risk of spreading the coronavirus or other germs.

To sanitize a fabric mask (such as one made from cotton) wash it with your regular laundry using hot water. You can then tumble dry them on a high setting. Try to skip a really thorough spin cycle as this can cause damage.

You can also hand wash your mask, using hot, soapy water. Scrub the mask for at least 20 seconds, and dry them on high heat in the dryer. Handwashing is effective but washing with your laundry is more likely to thoroughly clean it.

how to sanitize fabric mask

You might consider using a non-scented laundry detergent if you are sensitive to perfumes so it is easier to wear the masks.

Satin, silk or polyester fabrics will need to be treated differently so take a look at the manufacturers instructions. Washing at a high head can damage these fabrics and completely ruin your mask for future wear. If you’re choosing your mask because you want to reuse it then this isn’t something you’ll want to do!

You should store clean masks carefully and safely in a clean place when you are not using them. Always keep a back up to hand when you’re somewhere where you plan to wear a mask just in case the one you have gets dirty or lost.

sanitize fabric mask

Myths to Sanitize a Fabric Mask

There has been some misinformation about keeping masks clean and sanitized so let’s run through some things to avoid when it comes to keeping your fabric mask clean.

Using Bleach

Even if you’ve diluted bleach, you should avoid it as this can be dangerous to inhale and can affect the integrity (and color) of your fabric. This could compromise how effective your mask actually is, which can render it a little redundant.

fabric mask sanitization

Microwaving Your Face Mask

While it’s true that heat can be great for handling germs, this isn’t recommended. You might burn your mask, cause changes to the fabric, ruin the color or in the worst-case scenario actually start a fire at home.

You Don’t Need To Worry About Touching Your Mask

Whilst it’s easy to forget when you adjust your mask (or remove it), you could potentially transfer germs from your hands onto your mask each time you touch it. Whilst it isn’t something to get obsessed over, you do need to think about it as viruses can be transmitted by touch as well as through the air.

Here’s what to do when you take off or touch your mask:

  • Wash your hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.
  • Don’t touch the front of the mask or your face.
  • Carefully remove your mask by grasping the ear loops or untying the ties. For masks with a pair of ties, unfasten the bottom ones first, then the top ones.
  • If your mask has filters, remove them and throw them away. Fold the mask and put it directly into the laundry or into a disposable or washable bag for laundering.
  • Clean your hands again.

Masks Can Cause Mold and Health Issues

When they’re kept clean and sanitized properly there should be no issue with mold and health issues caused by masks. If you have underlying health conditions then you should seek advice from your health provider on what the best course of action should be when it comes to wearing a mask.

sanitizing cloth masks

Tips for Choosing a Fabric Mask

As well as sanitizing fabric masks and keeping them clean, there are some other things to think about when it comes to choosing a fabric mask in the first place.

You want to choose good quality fabric for your cloth mask. It isn’t necessarily about the type of fabric that you choose - high quality fabrics have a thicker thread and are woven more tightly so this means less droplets pass through.

If you can see through a mask in the light, and clearly make out the individual threads in the mask when you hold it up to light then it may not be effective. Layers can be a way around this. Masks made from two layers are more effective than those made from one, and three layers is better than two.


Style Inspiration: How To Wear A Dashiki

Have you heard of a dashiki but aren’t sure exactly what it is, where to find one or how to wear a dashiki? Don’t worry, we’ve got it covere...